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WCDH Hosts a Pandemic Poetluck

The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow (WCDH) is temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but this month Poetluck will still be an opportunity to hear readings from local writers and WCDH alumni from across the country. Please join us for a virtual Poetluck on Thursday, April 16, at 6:30 p.m. (CST) Readings may be poems, prose, or songs, and writers are invited to share their work for up to ten minutes. Order is chosen by random drawing. To be added to the list of readers, please email

A link to the virtual Poetluck and instructions for joining can be found at

Since opening its doors to writers in 2000, The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow has made a lasting impact on the arts and literary communities, providing uninterrupted residency time for writers of all genres, including culinary, composers, and artists, without discrimination. The WCDH has hosted over 1,500 writers from 48 states and 12 countries. To learn more, please visit or call Michelle Hannon or Chad Gurley at (479)253-7444.

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