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The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow awards Mental Health fellowship to Hannah Bae

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow is proud to announce Hannah Bae as the winner of the 2019 Real People, Real Struggles, Real Stories: Writing About Mental Illness fellowship.

Hannah Bae

The Writers’ Colony received 31 entries for the fellowship from writers across the globe working on a short or long work of non-fiction focusing on how they (or a person they know) manage and continue to manage mental illness. After thoughtful consideration by a review panel, the fellowship, a fully-funded two-week residency at The Writers’ Colony, was awarded to Hannah Bae who will use her time at the colony to work on her memoir-in-progress, “Way Enough,” which confronts issues of class, race, and stigma surrounding mental illness in Korean culture.

Hannah Bae worked for 10 years as a journalist before she left her job at CNN to pursue her creative passion for telling stories about Korean American culture and identity. Hannah is the president of the Asian American Journalists Association’s New York Chapter, and she recently completed an Open City fellowship in narrative nonfiction at the Asian American Writers’ Workshop.

While Hannah was in the world of breaking news, she worked full-time for CNN Business, Newsday, and the U.S. State Department. She started her journalism career in Seoul on a Princeton-in-Asia fellowship that led to full-time editor positions at some of South Korea’s largest news organizations and also freelance work with the Associated Press, CNN Travel, the German press agency, Deutsche Presse Agentur, as well as other clients.

Hannah hails from Brooklyn, New York; however, she has deep ties to Northwest Arkansas. Her husband is from Fayetteville and her in-laws currently live there. She is charmed and inspired by the natural beauty and thriving creative community of the Ozark foothills.

The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow would like to thank long-time supporter and board member, Sharon Spurlin, for generously funding this fellowship. For more information about sponsoring a fellowship, please visit

Since opening its doors to writers in 2000, The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow has made a lasting impact on the arts and literary communities by providing uninterrupted residency time for writers of all genres, including culinary, composers, and artists, without discrimination. The WCDH has hosted over 1,500 writers from 48 states and 12 countries. For more information, please visit or call Michelle Hannon or Chad Gurley at (479) 253-7444.


Michelle Hannon, Executive Director

Chad Gurley, Colony Coordinator

The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow

515 Spring Street

Eureka Springs, AR 72632


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The Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Your donation supports our mission to nurture writers of all backgrounds, genres, and levels of experience in a supportive environment that builds community, stimulates new thinking, energizes creative expression, and optimizes productivity.

© 2021 by The Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow

Website design by Linda Caldwell and Janie Clark

Photos by Leigh Short, Ron Lutz, Chip Ford, Al Hooks, Janie Clark, Linda Caldwell

and Purdy Art Company

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