Dear All:
During these trying times, we are proud to announce that eMerge will be seeking submissions for its Summer Edition beginning May 15. The deadline for submissions will be July 10, 2020.
The Covid-19 virus feels like a never-ending Winter has descended upon us, even though the birds are singing, and the Sun is shining. Hopefully, you have kept safe during this time and you have been inspired to create.
As always, we endeavor to provide an online literary magazine built on content as we provide greater exposure to both emerging and established authors. We will not be asking you to write to a theme for this edition, even though this pandemic seems to pervade all our thoughts. Of course, you are certainly welcome to share your passion and creativity on the virus or some aspect of this horrific pandemic.
You will find submission guidelines for eMerge here: https://emerge-writerscolony.org/submission-guidelines/. The only change is that poets can now submit a recording with their poems.
Remember! Deadline for submissions for Issue 7 of eMerge will be July 10, 2020.
Until Next Time,
I Remain,
Just another Zororastafarian editor trying to decide if I want fries with that…
Charles Templeton
Acquisitions Editor