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Virtual Poetluck featuring Philip Cioffari

Thu, Aug 20



The Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow proudly presents Philip Cioffari as the featured reader at Poetluck on Thursday, August 20th at 6:30 p.m. Philip is a novelist, story writer, playwright, and film maker. He is also a tenured professor at William Paterson University in New Jersey.

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Virtual Poetluck featuring Philip Cioffari
Virtual Poetluck featuring Philip Cioffari

Time & Location

Aug 20, 2020, 6:30 PM – 8:45 PM



About the event

The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow (WCDH) proudly presents Philip Cioffari as the featured reader at a virtual Poetluck on Thursday, August 20, at 6:30 pm. WCDH has canceled public gatherings until further notice due to COVID-19, but Poetluck continues to be an opportunity to hear readings from local writers and others from across the country.

Writers are invited to share their original work for up to ten minutes. Readings may be poems, prose, or songs. To be added to the list of readers, please email or call 479-253-7444. Reading slots are on a first-come basis and are limited to eight with additional readers if time allows. The link for joining the Zoom meeting can be found at

Spectators may join a watch party on Facebook Live at the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow page:

Philip is a novelist, story writer, playwright, and filmmaker. He’s also a tenured professor at William Paterson University in New Jersey where, among other duties, he teaches the MFA program in Creative Writing. He was scheduled to teach, “Structuring the Novel,” at WCDH this August. The three-day workshop and Philip’s residency have been re-scheduled for August 2021 however he will offer virtual, one-on-one, writing coaching and critique sessions for novice to accomplished writers throughout August via Zoom. Visit for more information about these sessions.

Philip Cioffari is the author of the novels: “IF ANYONE ASKS, SAY I DIED FROM THE HEARTBREAKING BLUES;” “THE BRONX KILL;” “DARK ROAD, DEAD END;” “JESUSVILLE;” “CATHOLIC BOYS;” and the short story collection, “A HISTORY OF THINGS LOST OR BROKEN,” which won the Tartt Fiction Prize, and the D. H. Lawrence award for fiction. His short stories have been published widely in commercial and literary magazines and anthologies, including North American Review, Playboy, Michigan Quarterly Review, Northwest Review, Florida Fiction, and Southern Humanities Review. He is a playwright member of the Actors Studio. He has written and directed for Off and Off-Off Broadway. His Indie feature film, which he wrote and directed, “LOVE IN THE AGE OF DION,” has won numerous awards, including Best Feature Film at the Long Island International Film Expo, and Best Director at the NY Independent Film & Video Festival. He is Professor of English, a member of the MFA faculty, and director of the Performing and Literary Arts Honors Program, at William Paterson University. Philip’s newest novel, “IF ANYONE ASKS, SAY I DIED FROM THE HEARTBREAKING BLUES,” released February 2020 from Livingston Press/University of West Alabama.

To learn more about Philip, check out his website at, or read an excerpt from his book, “The Bronx Kill,” published in eMerge, the online literary magazine of the Writers’ Colony

Poetluck is the third Thursday of every month. It starts at 6:30 with Writers joining via Zoom and spectators participating in a watch party on the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow’s Facebook page. Please join us for an enjoyable evening of varied readings.

Since opening its doors to writers in 2000, the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow has made a lasting impact on the arts and literary communities providing uninterrupted residency time for writers of all genres, including culinary, composers, and artists, without discrimination. The WCDH has hosted over 1,500 writers from 48 states and 13 countries. To learn more, please visit or call Michelle Hannon at (479)253-7444.

Zoom links:

Topic: Virtual Poetluck

Time: Aug 20, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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The Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Your donation supports our mission to nurture writers of all backgrounds, genres, and levels of experience in a supportive environment that builds community, stimulates new thinking, energizes creative expression, and optimizes productivity.

© 2021 by The Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow

Website design by Linda Caldwell and Janie Clark

Photos by Leigh Short, Ron Lutz, Chip Ford, Al Hooks, Janie Clark, Linda Caldwell

and Purdy Art Company

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