Time & Location
Sep 10, 2023, 10:00 AM – Sep 11, 2023, 5:00 PM
Writers' Colony At Dairy Hollow, 515 Spring St, Eureka Springs, AR 72632, USA
About the event
The 10-minute play format has become popular in recent decades. Creating a full-length play is a major undertaking -but a ten minute-play is composed of the same elements as a five-act tragedy. This workshop is designed as an introduction to the art, craft, blood, sweat and tears involved in writing for the stage, or screen.
The first session will introduce participants to the indispensable elements of drama, through personal engagement, in action, with others. We will discuss, demonstrate and employ structure, conflict, character, etc, through the experience of performance. Writers will come to grips with the actor’s craft from the inside out, as it were.
Writers then have a week to produce a ten-minute play, during which I will be available for advice..
The concluding session will include refresher activities and table reads of the plays.
The introductory session will be at WCDH 515 Spring Street Eureka Springs, AR, the next two sessions will be at Main Stage Creative Center 67 North Main Street E.S AR.
10 Minute Plays
$75.00Sale ended